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if you werent aware already, this is an index full of links to other pages on the indie web. i made this page not only so that i won't ever lose inspiration, but also for you, the lonely web surfer. so here ya go!! please let me know in the GUESTBOOK if any of the links are broken. ty!

MELONKING - one of the first ever indie web sites i ever stumbled upon. it is the coziest thing imaginable
INTERNET BASED GHOSTS - i learned how to make divs from this random person ;) very cool website, very nice music
SADGIRL.ONLINE - now rebranded as goblin-heart, she has lots of tutorials and images and tools to help you make ur own site!!
ODDITYCOMMODDITY - a very chaotic art site. so fun to explore
DOKODEMO - a cute personal website that i used to use all the time for site inspo. a fun blog too!
SPACEHEY - a modern-day reboot of myspace, with almost 2 mil users!! its like neocities but a social media and easier :)